Wednesday, September 9, 2009

About This Blog: Part II

I couldn't fit it all in the sidebar, so I'll add a few more words here about the purpose of this blog.

In addition to posting in real-time about the publishing journey of K My Name Is Kendra, I will also be adding further insight into the various characters that appear in the story. There's just so much depth to them that I couldn't capture all of it on paper without weighing the story down. It is, after all, a young adult novel, and I don't want to lose my readers along the way. But I'm just so passionate about some of these characters, and in some cases there's so much more to be said about them and why they are the way they are. Why they do the things they do; say the things they say.

So once the book has been published, I'll begin posting such items. In the meantime, I'll be writing about all the behind-the-scenes frustrations involved in trying to get this book to print. Hopefully, I won't come off as whiney, know what? Everyone is allowed to whine a bit every now and then. Life isn't fair sometimes, plain and simple. This is my blog and I'll whine if I want to. So there! LOL.

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